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Case Study: $30k In 90 Days For A New Carpet Cleaning Company In Texas

Case Study: $30k In 90 Days For A New Carpet Cleaning Company In Texas

March 12, 20242 min read

The Client: Carpet Cleaning Company in DFW Area

The Challenge: Start a new carpet cleaning company from scratch in a highly competitive market using paid ads to get initial traction

Client Journey:

An entrepreneur in Texas decided to open a new carpet cleaning company. He had previous experience in the industry, so he knew that marketing would play a critical role in getting this new venture off the ground. After finding us on YouTube, he set aside a portion of his budget specifically for marketing and advertising and hired BookCleaningJobs to manage it.

Our Strategy:

After our initial launch call, the BookCleaningJobs team built a conversion-rate optimized website with SEO best practices to help it rank higher on Google. Then we launched expertly-crafted Google Ads and Local Services Ads (“Google Guaranteed”) campaigns to drive traffic, leads, and bookings.

Search Campaign Results (Month 3):

  • Total Ad Spend: $1,203.89

  • Impressions: 3,556

  • Clicks: 227

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): 6.38%

  • Average CPC: $5.30

  • Leads: 47

  • Cost Per Lead: $25.61

  • Conversion Rate: 20.70%

$30k in 90 Days Carpet Cleaning:

This campaign started slow, barely driving any leads in the first 30 days. But after making some adjustments, we found traction with the campaign and began to bring in leads rapidly. By month 3, our paid media specialists were able to achieve a cost per lead in the mid-$20s on Google Ads. Meanwhile LSA leads were averaging north of $30 in the local area!

Even more impressive, the client was closing nearly 80% of these leads into paid bookings. That led to him collecting over $17,000 in his first 2 months of business, and $15,000 in month three…

That is over $30k in just 3 months as a brand new carpet cleaning business!

These results are not typical, and this is not an earnings claim. Most of our clients do not achieve results like this. A new cleaner should not expect to achieve similar results. This case study simply illustrates what one cleaner in Texas did after hiring BookCleaningJobs to implement a GROWTH Plan for his new carpet cleaning venture and purchasing paid ads on Google with our expert guidance.

Future Outlook:

After an exciting and successful first few months, our client is busy serving carpet cleaning customers in the DFW area. Meanwhile, our team is working to drive more leads and help him book more jobs so he can scale his operation quickly.

Looking to improve your marketing strategy and scale your cleaning business, too? Visit https://bookcleaningjobs.com/book and request time to speak with us.

carpet cleaningcarpet cleaning businesscarpet cleaning marketingmarketing for carpet cleaning companiesgoogle adsseowebsite marketingwebsite designgrowth planpaid mediappcpaid adssearch engine optimizationleadslead generation
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Reuben Rock

Reuben is the President & Head GROWTH Coach at BookCleaningJobs.com.

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